Invitation: Bliv inspireret af tre internationale toptrænere

Volleyball Danmark har samlet tre internationale toptrænere til tre enestående og inspirerende dage den 15.-17. juni 2018. Seminaret er for trænere på alle niveauer med oplæg fra Doug Beal, John Kessel og Fred Sturm. Seminaret finder sted i Idrættens Hus i Brøndby, hvor den amerikanske trio Doug Beal, John Kessel og Fred Sturm vil holde…


Volleyball Danmark har samlet tre internationale toptrænere til tre enestående og inspirerende dage den 15.-17. juni 2018. Seminaret er for trænere på alle niveauer med oplæg fra Doug Beal, John Kessel og Fred Sturm.

Seminaret finder sted i Idrættens Hus i Brøndby, hvor den amerikanske trio Doug Beal, John Kessel og Fred Sturm vil holde inspirerende oplæg.

”Volleyball Danmark er begejstrede og stolte over at have samlet tre så prominente og kompetente toptrænere til et seminar. Det er tre af de mest inspirerende og indflydelsesrige trænere i volleyball-historien,” siger Erik Jacobsen, formand for Volleyball Danmark.

”Seminaret er for trænere på alle niveauer. Hver af de tre trænere kan byde ind med noget helt unikt og kommer til at guide deltagerne hele vejen fra første boldberøring til international stjerne. Uanset om man træner Kidsvolley eller en Volleyligaklub, så er dette seminaret, du ikke vil gå glip af i 2018,” siger han.

Den præcise agenda for seminaret er stadig under udarbejdelse, men vi garanterer, at toptrænerne vil dække bred vifte af volleyballkundskaber. Seminaret foregår på engelsk.

Der er et begrænset antal pladser på seminaret.
Spar 500 kr, hvis du tilmelder dig inden 1. maj.


Til dem, hvor navnene Doug Beal, John Kessel og Fred Sturm ikke ringer en klokke, er her en kort præsentation af toptrænerne på engelsk.

Doug Beal is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in volleyball worldwide. Doug Beal has helped shape volleyball into one of the most popular sports in the world. He guided Team USA to its first-ever Olympic Games gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Games. Doug Beal and his staff implemented a new system and tactics for the sport – including the two-man serve reception, innovative use of multiple backrow attackers and swing hitters that transformed the sport. He is a member of the International Volleyball Hall of Fame

John Kessel has been coaching since 1971 and has been named one of the 50 most important people in the sport in the past 100 years. Has conducted seminars in all the American states and more than 50 countries. John Kessel’s main goal is to help make all coaches more efficient, positive and creative, no matter what level – 7 year olds in an elementary school program or National team players and programs. He challenges old ways of thinking and help coaches create what they need, while having fun in the process.

Fred Sturm is regarded by players and colleagues as a coach with a strong command of the technical aspects of the game. Fred Sturm was named the most successful coach at Stanford University with over 300 victories as both the men’s and women’s head coach. He anchored the U.S. men’s team in five years winning Bronze Medals in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. From 2003-2014 he was the head coach for the Danish men’s team, leading them their first ever playoff match at the European Championships.

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